We all still have the terrible images of the flood disaster in July 2021 in our minds:  flooding in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate swept away whole towns. Solidarity and readiness to help the regions affected by the flood was great throughout Germany. ARGUS also provided support with a monetary donation to the campaign "Lichtblicke" and with a donation of pallets to a regional aid campaign.

As part of the Rüthen donation campaign for the flood victims, many citizens were able to hand in their donations in July. In addition to food, baby food and nappies, brooms, cleaning materials and shoes were also collected. The helpfulness was enormous and the team of helpers, consisting of volunteers, had their hands full packing the donations into boxes. ARGUS provided the pallets, so that all the goods could be stacked efficiently. ARGUS was also able to help with the packaging with shrink covers: To protect the donated goods, all pallets were packed so that everything arrived safely and in perfect condition to be distributed to those who need it. In total, three fully loaded trucks were able to make their way to the Eschweiler region during this charity campaign.